Espere muy pronto mis libros sobre como exportar a cualquier parte del mundo, desde la investigación de mercados pasando por el proceso de exportación hasta los medios de comercialización de productos de manera internacional. Por ahora los dejo con mis publicaciones sobre noticias en temas de exportación. Recuerde que sus inquietudes y comentarios son muy importantes para mi.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013


Last week there was an article some where, which its aim was: "Colombia is a dangerous country to do business with".
Actually, if you are thinking on how to export to colombia, is because there is something atractive about it. Colombia is a country with about 60 million people, besides that it is located between two seas, and it´s on the top of South America, that means that exporting to Colombia could be the first step to get into other countries next to it.
How to export to Colombia shouldn´t be the question, because there are many E-books saying how to export to Colombia, and how to export any where in the world, the question must be, who could help me to export to Colombia or who could help me to export my products any where.
Exporting to Colombia is not so difficult isn´t either exporting any where, "well there are many factors you should search before start trading". Even though it´s not so difficult to export to Colombia, my advice to you guys, is look for professional help, because as I just said, "there are many factors you should know".

So if your interested in how to export to colombia, or maybe your are interested in exporting your products any where, I could help you.

Don´t be shy and contact me for any question you have, I´m here to help you.

I cant leave this article before correct the image: "it´s Colombia not Columbia".

Thanks again for read what I write.

Juan Carlos Martinez
cell in Colombia 3124188562

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